- Quy Dao She's found another use of the stick
- Đi Tìm Thất Bại she might get hurt seriously
- Sean Lee Selfie alright... doing it herselfie
- Greg Uc Is there a battery in that selfie stick?
- Lemon Tree Quen tay :))))
- Quy Dao The other woman looks curious though
- Nguyen Harry It s dual functions
- Chris Circelli Why do I feel the urge to punch people with selfie sticks
- Do Manh Tien topic of this pic: hello pussy
- Alvarez Christophe this is forbidden in several places in France because too many asian tourist uses it (versailles...)
- Do Manh Tien Alvarez: What is the reason of the forbidden ?
- Alvarez Christophe I don't know
- Mel Forster Pmsl ^^
- Chris Circelli They are banned by Disney also.
- Truc Nguyen :))
- Duong Tuan Duong Kill 2 birds with one arrow lol
- Thomas Jeppesen It's fucking disgusting
- Richard Turner Camel toe selfie!
- Sam Sam Good spot to hold the camera stand.
- Eric Phan Pretending to do a selfie... How else could she scratch there in public?
- Le Hai no need your hands anymore :333
- Xavier Camous Meofie
- Nils Hamerlinck That picture greatly captured the essence of selfie
- Alvarez Christophe forever alone small people faking their life
- Nguyen Harry Wont give good pics with vibration, is nt it? Haha
- Phuong Tran Haha
- Stanley Yates Sometimes if you have an itch you have find a way to scratch it
- Tyler Pierce the other woman looks like she's having trouble walking in them shoes.
- Stanley Yates I think joey arnold would like to take the selfie stick up his rectum ...like this joey arnold
- Trần Quang Đắc That's masturbation
Craig Barton i'm
familiar with climbers using the selfie-stick for that
once-in-a-lifetime-shot when they get to the top of a peak but this just
looks pathetic..