Tuesday, April 14, 2015

cathy 13

  • Duong Cathy i don't have to asking! i can do it without you agreed, or not agreed, but do i did it Joey?
    I can asking some friends action like have some people will stole your money.
    And i'm stay with you at this and action like i'm tried to help you but i can n
    ot do.

    You meet my ex bf also, Sỹ Hoàng, remember?
    And his younger brother, i can asking them help to do that.
    That's mean i want you know i can ask for a help with some people to hurt you?

    But did i do that Joey? Did i do that?
  • Joey Arnold Duong Cathy threatened me in the last comment
  • Duong Cathy This help is not a charity, i never go to charity with adult person, like the person when they have enough leg and arm.
    Charity mean you help the old person can not working, mean you help the children, orphaned children.

    Food is not free for everyone. And people do not help another LAZY PERSON WHEN THEY LAZY DO NOT WANT TO BUILD THEY FUTURE TO LEARNING, TO HAVE A JOB
  • Duong Cathy when you have a children you have to teach them about that. oh sorry you don't have, but i have
  • Joey Arnold Charity does not discriminate like you do

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