Wednesday, April 15, 2015

cathy 16

  • Joey Arnold I did not ask Duong Cathy for those classes
  • Duong Cathy no! you agreed to learn this classes, you just don't want to pay money!

    you want to eat, but you do not want to pay money!

    you want to rent a home but you do not want to pay money!

    you want to your father give money to you run away USA, but you blame about him on facebook.
    it's a style of you! It's you!
    16 hrs · Like · 1
  • Joey Arnold Duong Cathy told me that her mother was paying for those classes. Cathy never directly asked me if I wanted to attend the classes. She assumed that I wanted to and I was always left with awkward pauses and stares. She constantly assumes things that are not true
    I do not blame fathers, mothers, or others. Cathy continues to say things that I did not say
  • Đặng Hữu Tiến Lê Thành Nhân vào đọc cmt gấp gấp
  • Duong Cathy you can write and me can write, it will keep continues like this!
    and i really want it keep contunues like this
    till the tim the US embassy can not keep it and kick you out to come back US!
    ...See More
  • Duong Cathy and really? you think you are desirve to my mother have to pay the classes for you?

    when your mother is do NOT do anything to us?

    my mom have to pay for your food, have to pay for your shampo, have to pay money for everyday we go working
    when i living alone with her, she pay 100.000vnd for me/one day, and when i living with you and her, she pay 200.000vnd/one day, some time she just have 100,000 vnd and that's time you have to pay you money to your self.

    hey! i do not love you! remember? i did said it before!
    cause you said you do not have any place to come back!

    you are fighting with your father-partner and you do not know anything to work, just keep stay at home and asking his money
  • Duong Cathy that's why she call the police and kick you out of home
    that's the story you told to me

    i'm tried to conect with you mother to asking the money to you come back US
    And she said : people think out US citizen is rich but we don't, we owe alot of money in the bank bla bla bla and she do not want to pay nothing

    another time, we talking three with her, she said now she have to take care David, a son of her new husband, so she do not have time and everything to help you. you have to take care youself!

    your mother said that.
    and i'm just curious, if your familly is really worry about you, why not pay money for you to pay for US consulate to come back US
  • Joey Arnold Duong Cathy, continues to say things that are not true. Her mother did not have to help me. She did not have to help me. I tell her that help is not required. I did not ask for help. She continues to say that she was forced to help. She was not forced to help. Maybe something is wrong with Kathy. Maybe Kathy knows better and is choosing to trick people
  • Duong Cathy now you like a beggar living in Vietnam. and when the war with VN and US before, we do not new when we see the beggar. sick to thinking about u
  • Joey Arnold I love my family. My family loves me. My mother is full of life. I love America. I love my father
  • Duong Cathy if your mother is good than my mother, so asking do she dare to pray by God : she did pay for me when you living in my house?
    asking her>
  • Duong Cathy you leaving my house with 21 million VND Joey, i CAN call some body to make the ACTION look like you have stole money BY another people but i did not do that
  • Joey Arnold I am not a beggar. I do not beg. Kathy does not understand charity. She does not understand love
  • Duong Cathy if thinking about the money "we" have when we living together : you have more than me
  • Duong Cathy ok. this may be my mistake, i should do not sell this bike to registed for you a class. because ask you said : you don't want to
    but how much this bike? 4 milion VND! right?

    and after i find for you 21 million VND!
    and you still save 21 million VND when you leave my house right?

    we do not meeting together and i'm dating with another men, i'm very busy to my life, i take him to go home and meet my familly, but you are keep living like that

    Kathy stole my money
  • Joey Arnold I have wrote about Duong Cathy before. I have wrote many times. I plan to write more in the future. Unfortunately, many people are misunderstanding me. People are easily confused. The story is long and confusing. I want people to learn & to grow through the experiences of life. If you are reading this, please feel free to share the lessons that people can get from these kinds of situations
  • Joey Arnold Duong Cathy, you did not find me money
  • Joey Arnold Duong Cathy, you volunteered to help. Thank you for helping. That is your choice. Volunteers are not paid
  • Duong Cathy i do not love you i never love you, i just think you are a lamentable person
    you said no one love you!

    your neighbour Phil cheat you, promise you will have a job when you come to VN but she did not care about that.
    you said some girl is have familly and some girl is single and you confuse.
    you feeling like everything in the world try to fighting you
    And you do not have anything place to comeback after your father kick you out of home because you fighting with your stepmother

    That's why i try to make myself to be a reason to you can catch.
    May be every person busy cause they have to worry about the Soul-mate, and their think you was free, and you do not need money!

    So i try to make my self to : what happen if Joey get married with another, and he need money to take care of her.
    Or her children
    But your mother is seem like to really "good" for you.
    She do not want to pay anything. I knew she will do not pay anything for OUR CHILDREN if we have.

    So that's why i stop!

    Why i have to have a children with the guy do not have responsibily like you?
    I don't want to. I still now i don't want to also
  • Duong Cathy i did not volunteered to help
  • Duong Cathy like i said you, i did not crazy to volunteered to help the person still have enough leg and arm. This is a cheat men and they have so much and stay around in HCM city
  • Joey Arnold My father did not kick me out
  • Duong Cathy oh really! promise with God you do not said this to me
  • Joey Arnold Duong Cathy, why do you lie to me about things that I already know about? You know that I know that what you says are lies, but you continue to say them as if they were truth. You continue to say whatever you want to say without evidence, proof, facts, or other things
  • Duong Cathy and promise with God you will go to home and talking with him
  • Joey Arnold I was working with my father and I decided to go to Vietnam. I went to Vietnam to work at a school
  • Duong Cathy i don't know what he will doing, it's up for anything you did for him, your brother and sister said that. and your friend also, i hope them do not talking to him, but i'm not them so i really not care about that
  • Joey Arnold Duong Cathy, who are you fooling? You are not talking to me. You are trying to get people to hate me
  • Duong Cathy yes you are working with your father like me working with my mother right now. but you are fighting to your step-mother, and i did not. that's the different about u and me
  • Joey Arnold You are full of crap
  • Duong Cathy my fail is i'm thinking our realationship is come to normal cause you write sms to me a few month ago
  • Duong Cathy i feeling in your world is do not have to voive : you stole my money
  • Duong Cathy and that's why i call to you to talking like " A Friend "
  • Joey Arnold I did not fight with my step-mother. That is not what happened. Ask my father what happened. You were not in America when that one story happened. She is always drunk. She does crazy things. She gets mad at people
  • Duong Cathy i can not belive it come be happen like that
  • Joey Arnold Duong Cathy, you do not listen
  • Duong Cathy oh really, now not just your father drunk
  • Duong Cathy women not drunk Joey, and special the women old like her is do not do that
  • Joey Arnold Debbie is a cranky bitch
  • Duong Cathy pls if you are try to make a story, pls make a logic-story to people can easy BELIVE and Understand that
  • Duong Cathy some time i'm feeling i'm going crazy when i tried to talking with you
  • Joey Arnold Debbie drinks and smokes all day long

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