Monday, March 23, 2015

Force Ban


Discussion in 'Unban Request Forum' started by Joey Arnold, Today at 4:10 AM.
  1. Joey Arnold Jedi Youngling

    Member Since:
    I was banned. I was not told why. I published one post on this website about Yoda. I was not trying to say anything bad about Yoda. I also wrote a comment about my favorite films in a particular order. I wrote some comments and Created just one thread about Yoda as I already said. I am a new user. I joined a few days ago. I love Star Wars.
    I create the new Yoda thread in a section that deals with the whole saga of Star Wars I think because my question was about Yoda and it is especially about a comparison of his personality in the PT, the prequel trilogy, and the OT, original trilogy, because Yoda seemed darked in Jedi.
    I made an observation about Yoda and I just wanted to see if others see what I saw. I also want to know if Talzin is totally dead now or not. I watched the films, Clone Wars, and the first season of Rebels. I like that Maul is back
    Last edited by Joey Arnold, Today at 4:11 AM
  2. PrincessKenobi New Films Manager of DOOM

    Member Since:
    Aug 12, 2000
    star 7
    You have another account which was banned. You can not post while banned without requesting to be unbanned.
  3. Joey Arnold Jedi Youngling

    Member Since:
    This website did not allow me to request an unban from the previous account that I had from last year. I logged back into that account today and was not able to access this section. I was banned from that account for being spam. My reputation is that of the boy that cries wolf. My reputation is here is an unforgiving scar, like a tattoo that refuses to see what is really there. I understand that administration is a tough job. You have to minimize spam as much as possible. I run into spam myself all of the time in emails and on Facebook. I have 5,000 friends and over 5,000 followers on Facebook. I am an American English Teacher in Vietnam. I run into all kinds of people all of the time. I block people all of the time.

    Please forgive me for what I did before from my previous account. I promise not to spam again. I promise to only write maybe about one comment per day or week. I can promise not to post threads. I can promise to post only short and very boring comments from now on. I can promise not to make any pop culture references or post any pictures of Yoda and popcorn or to talk about drunk Yoda.

    I understand that you must ban crazy people or people that do bad things or something like that. If you think that I must stay banned forever because of these things, then I understand, I guess. I understand if you think I am spam and crazy and weird and unstoppable and that Lucas hates me even tho Disney owns it now.

    I am a writer and a movie maker and an artist and a musician and I love creativity. I like this community but I feel that I was unfairly banned. Someday, I may become famous. If you do not unban me, I may someday seek revenge or something...... but you probably don't care about that. As far as you know, I am just a twelve year old kid in a basement.

    Look up my name, Joey Arnold, for more information about me on the internet.

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