Saturday, March 21, 2015


Joey Arnold Jedi Youngling

Member Since:

Sure, that is true, you're right and I do agree. The greatest trial is facing yourself. Plus, the purge was a unique experience to endure. Yoda wanted to make sure that Luke would be focused enough not to fall to the dark side after Yoda goes to die.

As far as the story goes, this is ok. I understand what is happening as a reader.

I am not totally mad or confused or anything... all of this is ok to some extent....

I understand the process of becoming a jedi and that it important to be focused..... you must endure trails.....

I love the episodes in the clone wars in season 6 with yoda and the ancient creatures.....

and also the other episodes with the other planet and the father and and the son and the daughter


my concern here might be either in the appearance of yoda's personality...... that it might be a little too dark.... like too much of a change...

or in the editing of the films in the OT and then also in the way they made the PT....

it might be in the makeup... in the lighting...

in the way that the yoda puppet moved in Jedi.....

and in Yoda's like drugged out eyes in Jedi.....

it just seem that Yoda became more serious and bipolar after the purge

and I wonder if Yoda was an alcoholic before the purge or not

and I wonder if the bipolar split between silly yoda and killer yoda in Empire and Jedi is acceptable or not

I am ok with it

but Yoda was already about 800 years old in the PT

and Yoda should have already developed that bipolar split before the PT

but I guess this is what happens to jedi after the purge

but Ben didn't become as biploar as Yoda

why didn't Ben become bipolar?

and how is Asoka doing after the purge?

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