Wednesday, December 10, 2014

I Don't Want the Past, Says Crystal Ann Arnold

  • Conversation started September 16, 2010
  • Speak English
    Speak English
    Let me record you.
  • Crystal Ann Arnold
    Crystal Ann Arnold
    I don't care about reserving the past.
  • Crystal Ann Arnold
    Crystal Ann Arnold
    Anything recorded becomes the past
  • Speak English
    Speak English
    Including your profile picture.
    Since pictures were also taken in the past.
    Including your brain.
    Your brain relies on memories from the past.
    Almost everything relies on the past.
  • Crystal Ann Arnold
    Crystal Ann Arnold
    You don't need the past
  • September 16, 2010
  • Speak English
    Speak English
    But what is not the past?
    You say I don't need the past. But if the past is all that there is. Then you're asking me to live without everything. You're asking me to live with nothing.
  • Crystal Ann Arnold
    Crystal Ann Arnold
    Everything is the opposite of what it appears to be and nothing is the opposite of what it appears to be
  • Speak English
    Speak English
    Is the present then the past? Or is the way we look at the past wrong?
    Maybe we should look at the past in an opposite way since it is the opposite.
    We shouldn't dwell in the past.
    But we can learn from the past.
    And move on.
    But we can only move on if we learned from it.
    But what exactly is the line between what is in the past and what is in the present or future?
    To me, the line between them is very blurry.
    And I still want to learn from it.
    To move on.
    And I also believe that living in the moment is a concept outside of time which integrates both the past, present, and future, all into a constant awareness called living in the moment, as seen in the three ghosts who went to Scrooge.
    I also believe in magic.
    I believe videos can encourage and help people.
    I believe some things aren't simply just in the past.
    But are priceless.
    And timeless.
  • Crystal Ann Arnold
    Crystal Ann Arnold
    It is what it is
  • Speak English
    Speak English
    Two things.
    First, at the top of this message, you wrote things are not always as it seems to be.
    Things are often the opposite to what we think they are.
    However, secondly, at the same time, you have just said that things are just as they are.
    That it is what it is.
    That we do know what things are maybe.
    In conclusion.
    Are you saying that we don't always know what things are?
    That things are sometimes opposite to what we thought it was?
    But at the same time, things are still, at the same time whatever that it is, that is what it is?
    Whether we know what it is or not, whether we see the opposite to what is really there or not?
    That it is still what it is, that it is what it is, at the same time?
    Those two things?
    Either those two things are contradictory.
    Or complimentary.
  • Speak English
    Speak English
    Even the words you type to me were words you learned to read and speak and type all from the past.
    Without the past, how would you be able to talk, walk, bike, know people, learn from the past, learn things, dance, sing, date, discover New York, waitress, travel the world, reflect, contemplate things, reason?
  • Crystal Ann Arnold
    Crystal Ann Arnold
    What's important to you is important to you.
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