Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Adam Sandler's Decline?

I don't always like Sandler's jokes. For example, I'm less likely to like jokes about farts and other slap-stick humor. Some of his humor is a verbal parallel to the physical acts of the Three Stooges. It seems that there is a decline in his humor during the past decade which started maybe in the 2000's.

However, I am still a fan of him and I'm still willing to watch some of his films. I am a student of making movies. So, I might not be the right person to ask. I am more patient with movies because I study them. I started making movies myself when I was 10 years old in 1995 in America. I am now in Vietnam. Life is not always funny. You can't always be funny. Some people say that I am funny. That is good, but it also adds pressure.

Adam being funny is like Robin Williams being funny. It is like Michael Jordan being the best, which after a while it can get old, or they can get old. Sometimes, jokes are not funny. Talk to Jay Leno. It is a hit or miss situation. Michael Jordan didn't always make his shots.

Maybe Adam Sandler will make a sequel to the Water Boy, to Happy Gilmore, or to something like that. He is funnier whn he plays smarter characters.

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