Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Circle K Rules

Can we use the bathrooms? Some of the staff at Circle K say that the restrooms are only for the staff. It is better for business to allow customers to go pee. If not, then they may make a mess if they have to hold it too long. Some may allow it and others may not. It can be tough if some staff allow it while others don't.

Can we step in back of the counter? I say it depends. Some are more strict about the rules. I understand why the rules are there. Some may steal. It clogs and crowds that work zone. Violence can also occur. It can become less efficient and effective. But we should rethink things still. We need to make sure there are purposes behind what we do.

Can you donate your trash? They cooked noodles back around 6 AM today. Now, after 11 PM, it might be too old. If they can throw it away into a trash can, then why not throw it away into a bowl of stuff

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