JoeyArnoldVN Oatmeal 2016-09-04 Sun 2 PM TLJ LL Q1 HCM VN
Joey Arnold Oatmeal FG OR USA WOLBI TSA Oregon
Joey Arnold published an article on WordPress.
31 years old. I'm an American. I was born in the United States in the
year 1985 and moved to Vietnam in the year 2012. I've known Anna since
2013 and they would always ask me for free English lessons. She would
say we were friends. I know her mother and her sister. They invited me
to meals sometimes. I did not ask them for help. [ 171 more words ]
Duong Kathy i'm
not her.....i d care guy.....i am a guy who follow you for 5
years.......big fan of your vitims......guy hate u ......re u jealow at
the couple? u still livin in lying ................. a stealer and rape
boys and girls re your job. young children must be careful this guy.
Cong an bat joey vi an cap o quan cua hang kk

Duong Kathy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pAalwNpVrvI
6 AM apx, Wednesday morning, the 9th of October 2014, the manager called the police…

Duong Kathy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DTI8JPDuq0w

3 talking about this

Đường Huyền Trang · 2 mutual friends
knew everything bad thing that happened with you at La pagoda. It was
reproachful for Vietnamese. But about your personal life, in this case,
hmm the only way to solve this problem is to considered your money
donated her. You may know the Mafia $$, ...See more
Joey Arnold I blocked Duong Kathy
Joey Arnold Đường Huyền Trang,
I disagree. What you say is sometimes true and sometimes not true, but
truth is still more important. You talk about and preach relativism
while I believe in objectivity. I believe in absolute morality and truth
of facts and reality and history and everything. I believe that things
and everything and anything and all things are either right or wrong and
I believe that things are not neutral.
Joey Arnold Đường Huyền Trang,
I believe it is better to lose people than to lose truth. I believe the
truth is more important than lying, deception, depravity, iniquities,
in having friends, contacts, family, people, anybody, everybody, through
and while lying, while not telling people what they need to hear and
Joey Arnold Đường Huyền Trang,
the pagoda did not really win. I won. I won in some ways. Truth wins.
Truth is right. I was not really starting a fight with them. I was
confronting them. I talked to them about what was already happening. I
want people to think about better ways, choices, decisions,
possibilities in what we can do which can help us all in societies,
cultures, countries, around the world for all people.
Đường Huyền Trang · 2 mutual friends
We may build another La pagoda to grow up our languages. And I am thinking about RELATIVISM & OBJECTIVITY. HAHAH SEEMS FUN

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Đường Huyền Trang · 2 mutual friends
We may build another La pagoda to grow up our languages. And I am thinking about RELATIVISM & OBJECTIVITY. HAHAH SEEMS FUN

Cui Bap Anna,
Huyen Trang and Joey and 4996 friends + 13,008 FOLLOWS are crazy, PYsch
cuz follow the rape, criminal and stealer Joey Arnold. because wanna
study english from PYSCH AND DANGEROUS GUY. YOU ARE CRAZY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kgResifoegw

Cui Bap https://www.youtube.com/user/JoeyArnoldVN
Videos of Joey Arnold: American English Teacher in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Born 1985 in Forest Grove, Oregon,…

Cui Bap Anna,
Huyen Trang and Joey and 4996 friends + 13,008 FOLLOWS are crazy, PYsch
cuz follow the rape, criminal and stealer Joey Arnold. because wanna
study english from PYSCH AND DANGEROUS GUY. YOU ARE CRAZY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kgResifoegw

Joey Arnold I blocked Cui Bap

Van My Joey Arnold you are wrong

Van My if
his stuffs re in her home, come to her home to ask or call her, or go
to polices. do not do stupid things here. f"ucking crazy, you left
someone's home then you blame them here. i think you re living in lying.
do not say vietnamese lives in lying.

Van My you go to other fb and pm " i''m a teacher add me. enought to understand how is your brain i checked ``ur youtube. very crazy
Joey Arnold I blocked Van My
I'm 31 years old. I'm an American. I was born in the United States in the year 1985 and moved to Vietnam in the year 2012. I've known Anna since 2013 and they would always ask me for free English lessons. She would say we were friends. I know her mother and her sister. They invited me to meals sometimes. I did not ask them for help. She would call me sometimes to practice English with me. At the beginning of this year, they decided to try to help me solve my visa problem. I a...
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Sheridan Van Arnold Not to be an asshole Joey but maybe it's time to come back home to the US were you have people here that do care and will be their to talk if you need a friend.
Đường Huyền Trang · 2 mutual friends
don't have to come back, I'm here to help him
Sheridan Van Arnold Joey don't have to say it I saw it on his video. He looks like his selfesteem is a little low and the way he is talking. Yes it makes me upset me and him are long distance cousins either way we're family.
Phương Hà Trần Sheridan Van Arnold are you his dad? Right?

Duong Kathy hahahaha 'm not her.....i d care guy.....i am a guy who follow you for 5 years.......big fan of your vitims......guy hate u ......re u jealow at the couple? u still livin in lying ................. a stealer and rape boys and girls re your job. young children must be careful this guy.
· 10 hrs

Duong Kathy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DTI8JPDuq0w

Duong Kathy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pAalwNpVrvI
6 AM apx, Wednesday morning, the 9th of October 2014, the manager called the police…

3 talking about this

Faiza Rosa Ignore them simply

Cui Bap DUONG KATHY RE CRAZY ANATA LAI CRAZY FAIZA IS CRAZY Huyen Trang and Joey and 4996 friends + 13,008 FOLLOWS are crazy, PYsch cuz follow the rape, criminal and stealer Joey Arnold. because wanna study english from PYSCH AND DANGEROUS GUY. YOU ARE CRAZY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kgResifoegw

Apple approved a Punch Trump App but bans a Hide Hillary App. The media says bad things about Trump and not about Hillary Clinton each day.
Joey Arnold I blocked Tom Hum

Bao Diem JOEY ARNOLD STOLE STUFFS IN THE STORE AND STAFFS CALLS TO COPS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pAalwNpVrvI
6 AM apx, Wednesday morning, the 9th of October 2014, the manager called the police…
Joey Arnold I blocked Bao Diem

Joey Arnold published an article on WordPress.
Apple approved a Punch Trump App but bans a Hide Hillary App. The media says bad things about Trump and not about Hillary Clinton each day.
Apple approved a Punch Trump App but bans a Hide Hillary App. The media says bad things about Trump and not about Hillary Clinton each day.

Joey Arnold published an article on WordPress.
Joey Arnold7 minutes ago (edited) I was spanked as a kid until I was about 10 years old. As I aged, my mother transition to hiding my video games as a form of punishment and she did not really punish me when I was in high school and we transitioned to discussions. As I grew up, she got less physical and said that spanking was less effective as I got older. [ 396 more words ]
Joey Arnold7 minutes ago (edited) I was spanked as a kid until I was about 10 years old. As I aged, my mother transition to hiding my video games as a form of punishment and she did not real…

Joey Arnold I blocked Bac Ho

Joey Arnold published an article on WordPress.
San Cong, I LOVE YOU. WILL YOU MARRY ME? HAVE SEX WITH ME OK SAN? OH I LOVE SAN RIGHT? What do you think. It seems that you are stupid. You might be dumb. Many people cannot see things. You might be blind. You might be deaf. You say things based on assumptions and judgements and other lies and deceptions and ways of thinking that is bad and expired and misleading. [ 183 more words ]
San Cong, I LOVE YOU. WILL YOU MARRY ME? HAVE SEX WITH ME OK SAN? OH I LOVE SAN RIGHT? What do you think. It seems that you are stupid. You might be dumb. Many people cannot see things. You might b…

· 11 hrs
Joey Arnold I blocked Trump Trump
@San Cong, I LOVE YOU. WILL YOU MARRY ME? HAVE SEX WITH ME OK SAN? OH I LOVE SAN RIGHT? What do you think. It seems that you are stupid. You might be dumb. Many people cannot see things. You might be blind. You might be deaf. You say things based on assumptions and judgements and other lies and deceptions and ways of thinking that is bad and expired and misleading. I did not say love. I did not say that word. Plus, there are many definitions to that word. The word love can me...
See more
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Delete It Beat It Michael Jackson
This comical beat it parody features Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton and their attempt to destroy thousands of classified emails from their home server. Mak...

Joey Arnold published an article on WordPress.
They say that if you exercise too much, then you will die faster, age faster, wear out your body faster, but these are lies. There is some truth there that our bodies do wear out. Our muscles tear. However, they are misleading people by encouraging people to not exercise enough. That is the deception. Hypothetically, we will fall apart and die sooner if we exercise too much. [ 163 more words ]
I have 13,000 followers and 5,000 friends.
My page has 20,000 fans.
My page has 20,000 fans.
Huyền Nguyễn but you are not good man. you always say not good about Vietnamese. I think you should comeback your country.
Joey Arnold Huyền Nguyễn,
thank you for the comment. Honesty is the best policy. The truth sets
us free. We grow as we talk and as we figure things out together through
collaboration, teamwork. No pain, no gain. I'm not good. You are not
good. Nobody is good initially. We do
not have the ability to be perfect, to be good, to be pure, without the
help and sanctification process of Christ. We all have potential and
that is why I say bad things about people. We must admit to our problems
first. It takes a process of sanctification as we mature, grow up, and
develop through the series and trials of life, and as we we climb
through mountains of storms, we ascend to rainbows of perspective and

San Cong she here, i found her. i like her https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-_JeMNHvzk5PEBsqGYXXeA
Joey Arnold San
SAN RIGHT? What do you think. It seems that you are stupid. You might
be dumb. Many people cannot see things. You might be blind. You might be
deaf. You say things based on assumptions
and judgements and other lies and deceptions and ways of thinking that
is bad and expired and misleading. I did not say love. I did not say
that word. Plus, there are many definitions to that word. The word love
can mean many different things. I was in their family. Mothers love
their children. But the mother is married to her husband right? Does the
mother want to have sex with her own son or daughter? No. But the
mother can love the son or daughter. The mother is not going to make
love with her kids. I care about people. God cares about us too. Ask
Christ to save you from your sins. You need Jesus Christ to save you
from eternal depravity. You can only be restored through justification
and sanctification and glorification through the blood of the cross of
Jesus who died to free us to give us freedom and to help us live for him
and I live to help people by sharing Jesus with everybody and I help
people in many ways and I care and love everybody and you need to think
about what I am saying or you can die and go to Hell.
Tôi là giáo viên tiếng Anh. I'm an English Teacher
blocks me. Facebook is censoring me. Facebook will not let me write my
name. When I comment with my name, they say that feature is not
available. I can write other words and the comments are published. But
my name is being censored. Try to write in a comment the word
Joey Arnold I
strongly disagree. We must think about our children and about many
different people and about doing what is right and not just about what
benefits us personally because that is bad.
Romelus Saladar JoeyArnoldVN = Joey Arnold.... LOOKS like it's working here !!! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Joey Arnold I tolerate more than Facebook does
Hello. I'm JoeyArnoldVN, an English Teacher

Joey Arnold shared a link.
On this Friday, September 2 edition of the Alex Jones Show, we discuss how Obama will likely use Hurricane…
Peterson, I'm 31 years old. I'm an American. I was born in the United
States in the year 1985 and moved to Vietnam in the year 2012. I've
known Anna since 2013 and they would always ask me for free English
lessons. She would say we were friends. I know her mother and her
sister. They invited me to meals sometimes. I did not ask them for help.
She would call me sometimes to practice English with me. At the
beginning of this year, they decided to try to help me solve my visa
problem. I am always helping people. I care about them. But they lie a
lot. They admit to lying to other people too. Most Vietnamese believe in
lying. I confronted them many times. That made them even more angry
when I told them about morality and logic and other things. Her mother
said I was her son. I was part of their family. But they now say bad
things about me. They lie about me now. They go onto my Facebook and lie
about me sometimes now. Anna continues to say that I stole a diamond
ring. However, she actually has some of my things at her house still.
Plus, I gave them over 20.000.000 VND plus my time which is worth money
as well. I'm asking people to have more integrity.
Huyền Nguyễn what mean when you wrote: "Most Vietnamese believe in lying."?
Huyền Nguyễn so i think you need comeback your country.
Joey Arnold Huyền Nguyễn,
you are a bad person. That is why I live in Vietnam. I am a bad person
too. Everybody is bad without Jesus. We must daily get better and stop
lying so much. We all get better as we talk about problems and improve
daily and slowly.
should not tell me what they think about politics if they do not want
to listen to what I think about politics. That is the problem. They act
like they're informed about politics when they talk about it but are
unwilling to listen to me as I continue to inform them more.

San Cong she here, i found her. youtube. i like her https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-_JeMNHvzk5PEBsqGYXXeA and her fb : https://www.facebook.com/AnYola94

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Joey Arnold Jesse Peterson,
I'm 31 years old. I'm an American. I was born in the United States in
the year 1985 and moved to Vietnam in the year 2012. I've known Anna
since 2013 and they would always ask me for free English lessons. She
would say we were friends. ...See more
Romelus Saladar Hahahahahahahahaahahhaa

San Cong she here, i found her. i like her https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-_JeMNHvzk5PEBsqGYXXeA and her fb : https://www.facebook.com/AnYola94
Joey Arnold San Cong, thank you for the links.

San Cong your welcome. i think she like to have more friends

San Cong you love her? but she is married
Joey Arnold San
SAN RIGHT? What do you think. It seems that you are stupid. You might
be dumb. Many people cannot see things. You might be blind. You might be
deaf. You say things based on assumptions
and judgements and other lies and deceptions and ways of thinking that
is bad and expired and misleading. I did not say love. I did not say
that word. Plus, there are many definitions to that word. The word love
can mean many different things. I was in their family. Mothers love
their children. But the mother is married to her husband right? Does the
mother want to have sex with her own son or daughter? No. But the
mother can love the son or daughter. The mother is not going to make
love with her kids. I care about people. God cares about us too. Ask
Christ to save you from your sins. You need Jesus Christ to save you
from eternal depravity. You can only be restored through justification
and sanctification and glorification through the blood of the cross of
Jesus who died to free us to give us freedom and to help us live for him
and I live to help people by sharing Jesus with everybody and I help
people in many ways and I care and love everybody and you need to think
about what I am saying or you can die and go to Hell.

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Joey Arnold San Cong, I told people to add her before. When I told people to add her, Anna got mad at me and maybe wanted me to mind my own business and not to be her friend any longer. I was only there to help as much as I could under the circumstances and all.
Joey Arnold San Cong, I LOVE YOU. WILL YOU MARRY ME? HAVE SEX WITH ME OK SAN? OH I LOVE SAN RIGHT? What do you think. It seems that you are stupid. You might be dumb. Many people cannot see things. You might be blind. You might be deaf. You say things based on assumptions and judgements and other lies and deceptions and ways of thinking that is bad and expired and misleading. I did not say love. I did not say that word. Plus, there are many definitions to that word. The word love can mean many different things. I was in their family. Mothers love their children. But the mother is married to her husband right? Does the mother want to have sex with her own son or daughter? No. But the mother can love the son or daughter. The mother is not going to make love with her kids. I care about people. God cares about us too. Ask Christ to save you from your sins. You need Jesus Christ to save you from eternal depravity. You can only be restored through justification and sanctification and glorification through the blood of the cross of Jesus who died to free us to give us freedom and to help us live for him and I live to help people by sharing Jesus with everybody and I help people in many ways and I care and love everybody and you need to think about what I am saying or you can die and go to Hell.
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